Friday, May 29, 2009

Finding out we are PREGNANT!!!

I took a home pregnancy test on May 22nd, 2009 and I could swear I saw a faint line. Gilbert did not believe me and joked that he would need to get his flashlight. Needless to say, we were both apprehensive at the inconclusive test. So the next morning, I took another test and most definitely it was positive. YAY!!!!! Just to confirm and for pictures in our scrapbook I took a digital tests that displayed Pregnant. At that point in time, we were both convinced that we were starting the journey to becoming parents.

The first week of pregnancy:
  1. Sheer excitement. Wow, what an incredible feeling. As a couple, we have created life out of our love for one another. Personally, I am carrying another being inside of me. I have heard others say "it is the best experience of your life" and now I am experiencing this wonderful miracle myself.
  2. Morning sickness begins and it is a total misnomer. (It is not confined to the morning. It is more like 24/7 sickness.) I equate my experience, thus far, as being extremely car sick.
  3. Did I sleep last night? I know I was in bed for at least 8 hours but it feels like I have been up all night. I am tired almost to the point of exhaustion.

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